Dipak's Blog

How to search properly on Google that 96% people don’t know

There are 15 ways to search on google. We can search anything on Google like lyrics of the song, food recipe, etc. Also, it is the key source for learning for the students.

The 15 ways are following it could be either this or that-

  1. Sometimes we’re not sure that we’ve correctly remember the information or the name we need.
    So, just put some couple of variation of what you are looking for and Separate them by Vertical bar symbol ( ). And instead of this symbol you can also use the “or” between the variation.
    Example– suppose you friend mention wants same hair cut as Bruce but he didn’t mention either “Bruce Banner” or “Bruce Wayne” so we’ll search on google “Hair style of Bruce Banner or Bruce Wayne”
  2. Searching using Synonyms.
    When you want to find websites on a given subject rather than those that include a specific phrase, add the tilde() to your search.
    Example- If you search for the Healthy ∼ Food, you will get the results about the principle of healthy eating, cooking recipes as well as healthy dining option. It helps you to find your desired result without typing many times.
  3. Searching within website
    Sometimes you read an interesting article and want to share with your friends, or you want to read it again. The easiest way to find, type the web site and then a keyword or the entire phrase from the article.
    Example- Suppose, I read about an update of android in Wikipedia. So, I will search “Wikipedia.com Android update” .
  4. The power of the asterisk(*)
    When you forget to remember that one keyword phrase or number, we need to find what we are looking for then you can use the asterisk(*). Just use it in the place of word or phrase you forget, and you should be able to find the results you are looking.
    Example-  Suppose you forget science fiction (i.e. 11.63) and you think that it was 11.22 but not sure about that. So, just type “11.22*” and Google will find whole thing for you.
  5. When lots of words are missing.
    If it’s the lengthier half of the phrase you can’t remember rather than a single keyword, try writing the first and last word and putting “ Around + (the approximate number of phrase) + the keyword
    Example- Suppose you read a poem describing someone wandering as a cloud and forget the poet’s name. so, you need to search “I was wandering AROUND(5) cloud
  6. Using a number range.
    Sometimes we need to get the list of events that occurred during a certain period of time. To do so just add a time frame to your search query with the help of three dotes()
    Example- If you want to know about the scientific discoveries during 20th century. You can search “Scientific discoveries 1900…2000
  7. Searching for a title or URL
    To help finds keyword and name of an article just type “intitle:the phrase you want to search” and to search in the URL “inurl:the keyword you want to search”
    *Note- It is important to make no spaces between words and punctuation.
  8. Finding similar websites
    If you find something you really like online and want to find similar website. Just type “related:www.apple.com”
    *Note- It is important to make no spaces between words and punctuation.
  9. Whole phrases
    Framing the search term within quotation marks is the simplest and most effective way to find something specific and in the exact order you type in it.
    Example- If you type in the some words like song lyrics without quotation mark the search engine will show the results where those words appear in any order on a website, not in the specific order in which you type. However, if you type that words in quotation marks, you’ll only get results where those words appear only in the order you type them.
  10. Unimportant Search Words
    To remove unimportant words from, your query just simply write a minus symbol before each one.
    Example– If you are looking for any interesting book but you don’t want to buy simply type “Interesting Book -Buy”
  11. Searching images using images
    Suppose you were browsing the internet and suddenly saw the picture of the most beautiful cloth ever or maybe your friend posted a pic from a wonderful café and didn’t mention place to keep it secret. Google can solve both of these, you just need to save those images and hit the camera button on Google images and attach that picture or its URL. Google will then find similar images on the web.
  12. Defining words and learning where they came from
    Any language including English is constantly developing so new words appear and old words become history. Google will help you find them easily. Just type that word and put a semi-colon after this without space.
    Example- If I want to know where the word “Define” came from. I would type “Define:”
  13. Finding a specific file
    Sometimes you exactly know what you need and in what shape you wanted. Maybe you have seen a great pdf or PowerPoint online, and now you need it again. Google will help you.
    Example- if you want to find a colourful pdf on cat breeds type “ Cat Breeds filetype: pdf ”
  14. Using Google as a spell checker
    This is basic and simple, but it is very useful. Google offers the correct way to spell words when you make a mistake by accident. If you are not sure how to write this or that word, try typing it in search query. Google will help you out. You just need to use the word in a word combination for a better result.
  15. Tracking your packages
    It can also help you track your package really quick. Instead of doing usual things and going to the shipping company website, just type your tracking number in the search query. It will work with UPS, USPS and FedEx.
Well, That’s the end of this post. Let me know if you have any query or suggestion in comment below. I’ll see you next time.